

Our blended team of instructional design, technical writing, and human resource experts publish engaging content that end users remember. Training solutions are developed for seamless in-class, on-line (eLearning), and mobile delivery platforms.


Our publications are custom products designed to enhance learning, improve performance, or promote brand recognition. They are used by our clients as lesson plans, job aids, instruction manuals, customer value-adds, and full-blown marketing pieces.


We offer a proprietary writing assessment that evaluates collaborative observation, recall, organization, and narrative compilation skills.

Is the following task included in your job description?

Be able to write a complete, accurate and detailed report.
We administer a proprietary writing assessment to evaluate individual powers of observation, recall, notetaking and narrative compilation skills. Our format can be customized to any occupation that requires an employee be able to:

(1) make initial observations of critical items under some degree of stress;

(2) integrate observations made to make decisions or initiate a call to action; and

(3) accurately recall events to produce official reports.

In addition to basic writing conventions, the following skill dimensions are also evaluated and scored for comparative analysis:

Our data base offers comparative analyses including, but not limited to education, assignment, experience, gender, age & race.

Knowledge gained through testing allows our team of adult learning experts to identify skill deficiencies with precision and deliver targeted solutions. Contact us today for a free consultation.



FORCE Concepts, Inc. • 919.552.0782 •
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